Our Services

WOHA Futures services are designed for the needs of public and private sector organisations operating in the built environment. The services below are a menu that can be tailored to your specific needs. Contact us for a discussion on how WOHA Futures can help you map out your future.


WOHA Futures has built a flexible conceptual model of the city of the future taking into account future trends in climate, technology and culture.

WOHA Futures will build a compelling, attractive and easily understood vision of the future built around locations (regions, cities or neighbourhoods) or sectors (for instance transportation) that suit the needs of organizations to build a shared and desirable reference point for today’s decisions.

21st Century Urbanism

There is profound inertia in the 20th Century city we have inherited. Our built environment has been created from a post-WWII worldview that is almost 100 years old. While superficially contemporary in expression, most urban proposals are mired in outdated concepts, forms and legislation, that fail to address our most pressing needs.

WOHA Futures can help unlock the situation, by proposing new urban paradigms and prototypes fit for 21st Century Urbanism.

Form Follows Systems

WOHA Futures takes a macro view of the built environment, and suggests new forms for new paradigms.

Cities will develop their own unique identity and form through solving climatic challenges, for instance by engineering optimum climatic conditions through city form. We see great potential for public space, moderated climate and city branding through beautiful forms derived from climate adaptation.


Design for Transformation

The vision is the destination but how do we get there? Design for transformation sets out a series of steps that accepts the reality we have without throwing away the future we need.

WOHA Futures calls this 4D Masterplanning - a 3D masterplan that is designed to transform over time.


Urbanism is a collective enterprise, cities are the accumulation of millions of actions by individuals. A key pathway to create positive system effects is through policy. WOHA Futures’ team has decades of experience on government boards and advisory panels and can advise on policies that will create the desired transformation over time.


Change in urbanism only happens when consensus is achieved. Consensus is built through engagement with stakeholders and addressing the their hopes, dreams, fears and concerns.

WOHA Futures typically sets the vision far enough in the future that anxiety over disruptive change is avoided. Carefully managed, future transformation to solve the enormous issues of our time will create great relief and acceptance rather than reflexive rejection.

Wong Mun Summ at Design Anthology Festival 2020