Seeing the problems of 21st-century urbanism laid out so clearly and comprehensively, from their roots in global inequality to the lived reality of the Global South, was riveting.  Why had no one done this before? Why did WOHA see what its Western pe

Self Sufficient City (2014)

WOHA Futures is a centre of research by design within the WOHA group, hosted by WOHA Architects Pte Ltd. WOHA Futures created the scenarios which inform WOHA’s innovative and award winning projects. WOHA Futures makes this in-house capability available to outside organisations.

Since 1994, WOHA has gone beyond individual innovative projects to conceptualise the Self Sufficient City, and conceptualise all new projects as prototype elements which will form this regenerative, diverse, productive and connected city.

WOHA Futures team are familiar with real world development, so do not operate in the realm of fantasy. Instead they work with real world conditions and projected transformations over decades in climate, demographics, building stock, transport, energy pricing and technology.

Professors Wong and Hassell presenting a lecture at Harvard GSD in 2015

Insights from WOHA Futures:


Doing Good:

Good architecture and urbanism is more than exciting and seductive form. We believe that each intervention in the world must contribute towards a better future measured in social and environmental performance as well as aesthetics and financial success.

A journey starts with a desirable destination:

We need a destination before setting off. Unless we know where we are going, we will dither at the very first intersection. We might discover new things along the way, and change our plans - but we do need a direction.

Clarity is Everything:

Fuzzy thinking and vague goals can lead to great waste in effort and resources. Investing in clarity brings great returns.


Innovation is Hard!

Innovation is change, and change is difficult. WOHA Futures’ team have done the hard work, integrating information from multiple disciplines and figuring out what it means for the built environment. Let us do the hard work for you, so you can get on with your key activities, knowing that your efforts are integrated into a clear framework for progressive change.

Being Good Ancestors:

It often seems we are powerless to change the future, but our collective actions create the world our descendants will inhabit. The construction industry makes the environment of the future. We owe it to future generations to do the right thing by them.

What if the predictions are wrong?

We are interested in shaping the future, not in predicting it - being proactive not passive. Being aware of trends, data and innovation, and making decisions in the light of knowledge, this is the route to a better future. We are unlikely to stumble into a good future, but we can deliberately craft a great one.